Friday, December 22, 2006

Whistler & Ukiyoe ホイッスラー と 浮世絵

James McNeill Whistler Brown and Silver:Old Battersea Bridge 1863
It is as sumed that Hiroshige's 53 STAGES OF TOKAIDO"Okazaki" were imitated.

KAFKA 灰色と緑色のハーモニー  JAPONIZM
KAFKA 灰色と緑色のハーモニー

James McNeill Whistler JAPONIZM

黒と金色のノクターン 落ちる花火 (こちらがテートギャラリーの画像にリンク)

Magnum Photos Photographer
肌色と緑のバリエーション: バルコニー

紫と薔薇色  六つのマークのテンゲ・ライゼン
花魁・孔雀の間 「La Princesse」/孔雀の間 リンク

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Xi Wangmu 西王母 by 狩野常信

唐美人図(Xi Wangmu 西王母)
 Itabashi Art Museum
狩野常信 KANO Tsunenobu (Japanese, 1636-1713)

Xi Wangmu in Chinese mythology, literally "Queen Mother of the
West," is the ruler of the western paradise and goddess of immortality. She is charged with overseeing the wall of heaven. Originally, from the earliest known depictions of her in the "Guideways of Mountains and Seas" during the Zhou Dynasty, she was a ferocious goddess with the teeth of a tiger, who sent plagues down upon the world.

After she was adopted into the Taoist pantheon, she was transformed into a benign deity. In popular Chinese mythology, Xi Wangmu lived in a palace made entirely of jade, so she has often been considered the patron deity of jade carvers. She also possesses a peach tree which, every 3,000 years, produces a peach that grants immortality.

Her role with respect to immortality and everlasting happiness
probably arose from her origin as the goddess of fertility.  

                               From Wikipedia

長山孔寅 西王母図
尾形光琳 西王母図
長澤蘆雪 西王母図
妖姫 西王母図&羽衣
西王母図 (江阿弥/奥文鳴/月僊/荻生天泉/狩野雪/作者不詳)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Sliding Door Panels of The Kyoto Imperial Palace

Imperial Procession to Kamo Shrine by Komai Korei (1793-1860)
賀茂祭群参図 駒井孝礼筆
【画像引用:京都国立博物館(C)Kyoto National Museum】

賀茂祭(葵祭) Aoi Matsuri May 15 in Kyoto, Japan
Horse Race at the Kamo Shrine

New Year Greetings to the Emperor by Sumiyoshi Hirotsura (1793-1863)
朝賀図 住吉弘貫筆
【画像引用:京都国立博物館 (C)Kyoto National Museum】

Sliding Door Panels of The Kyoto Imperial Palace
Saturday, January 6 to Sunday,February 18,2007

Phoenixes with Paulownia and Bamboo by Kano Eigaku (1790-1867)
Emperor Yao Appointing a Sage to Rule the Country by Kano Eigaku
The current buildings of the Kyoto Imperial Palace were constructed in 1855, when several of the most eminent Japanese painters of the time were commissioned to create its interior panel paintings. These precious works serve as time capsules of Kyoto's nineteenth-century painting scene and vividly unfold the many stories of this art scene.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Katsura Funakoshi in NISHIMURA GALLERY

Katsura Funakoshi 舟越 桂 New Sculpture
from 7th November to 9th December, 2006



2-10-8 Nihonbashi Chuo-ku Tokyo, 103-0027  map
Tel. +81-(0)3-5203-2800  Fax. +81-(0)3-3231-2010  

「森に浮くスフィンクス」2006 "The Sphinx Floats in Forest"
painted camphor wood, marble, leather, miscellaneous tree, steel 227.5 x 98 x 106 cm

「遠い手のスフィンクス」2006 "The Sphinx with Far Hand"
painted camphor wood, marble, leather, steel110 x 90 x 40.5 cm

「伝えられた言葉」2006 "Words Conveyed"
painted camphor wood, marble100 x 59 x 41 cm

Nishimura Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition of the new sculptures by Katsura Funakoshi from 7th November to 9th December, 2006.

Katsura Funakoshi is internationally renowned for his wooden sculptures with marble eyes, which are almost all life-size figures from the waist up.

The latest sculptures which subject is "Sphinx" with both womanly breasts and a manly build express the beauty of the mystic body transcending the gender.

©西村画廊 nishimura gallery